Collaborative Divorce

Collaborative Divorce

If you and your partner are ready to hash out the details of your separation without going to court and letting a judge decide, count on Lynn B. Schwartz Attorney At Law for a collaborative divorce. This is a viable option for parties who want to secure an amicable outcome while avoiding litigation.

Once you schedule an appointment, we'll sit down and negotiate an agreement that you and your former spouse are happy with. Keep your divorce out of the court system, have control over the outcome and preserve a civil relationship to make co-parenting easier - choose a collaborative divorce from Lynn B. Schwartz Attorney At Law.

Call 216-865-0000 now to schedule an appointment.

Focused on making your legal separation proceed as smoothly as possible

Instead of battling it out in court, keep a level head throughout the proceeding and make the divorce process as easy as possible with a collaborative solution from our advocate. In addition to helping you skip the litigation, Lynn B. Schwartz Attorney At Law can also assist you with:
  • Legal separation
  • Child custody/support
  • Spousal support
  • Post-decree enforcement/modification
  • Mediation
  • Divorce litigation
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